A matter of attitude

The clue for an accurate understood is a clear communication along with a feedback exercise.


Only is 20 - 30% of communication is "words"; non verbal communication is the main part of the message:

  • Distance between proxemics.
  • Body language.
  • Eye contact.
  • Etc...


This is why we should pay particular attention to our behaviors as well as to make a great effort in communicate clearly


 Communicate in a clear way

  • Be curios, a theoretical approach about societies is a good first step, anyway, you can go further, don't be afraid to ask, regard, investigate...
  •  Use stereotypes smartly and forget prejudices.
  • Know yourself , you can approach to it drawing your own culture pyramid.
  • Be clear, explain what your regular behaviour is to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Ask yourself; could be it a cultural inherent problem? If the answer is yes, try to think that he/she is likely to do his/her best.
  • Be empathic, what would you think if you were the other person?
  • And never give up, always try to do your best.



 Explain yourself and check it

  • Speech: speed, pronunciation, clear meaning... don't be afraid to repeat the same things in different ways, try to change some words, the speed...
  • Identify your mistakes.
  •  Check if you have been understood, pay attention to non verbal language
                  - Make "open questions"
                  - Encourage feedback


Good working environment is a important task for a good communication, which involves less likelyhood of accident.

That work is up to all the staff not only to the board crew, offshore are also responsible.



This is a humoristic chart about how the same things could be understand in a very different way , according the communication style of the speaker and the cultural differences with the receiver, those misunderstanding are very likely.