Cultural pyramid

Have you ever seen yourself in a mirror as a lion but you are actually a kitty? 


It is more usual than it seems, we can even say that it is a good way to raise your self-esteem but, what happens when you enforce it to all your life areas? In our case, if you apply it to society issues is called ethocentrism, which can evolve to chauvinism


What do you know about your own culture and how it affects to you?

Which impressions have foreign cultures about yours?

Did you behave with the aim of meeting the stereotyped expectations of foreing people? If the answer is yes, did you really feel identified with them?  

Peer resistance is the clue that makes you behave like that.


Now we are going to try to understand the origin of our customs and beliefs.

Following the example try to draw your own culture pyramid, then, think over about the following questions, and remember start from the bottom



Did you ever think over about your root thoughts? Did something surprise you?

Do your own cultural beliefs match with the stereotypes that foreign people have about your culture? In case your answer is no (or partially no), why do you think that your ideas of others cultures are right?