Manning systems

Shipping companies are the "front-runners of globalization", is the most global industry which implies a huge competition for being the one which offer the most affordable price.

To achieve that ,companies save money in several ways:

  • To hire people from developing countries.
  • De-flagging methods.
  • To use economic technology.

Those saving ways have a negative impact in the employees work conditions such as:

  • Loss of human lifes.
  • Damage to the maritime ecosystem.
  • Maritime fraud.

 Many accidents are rooted in production pressure, even if they expose values in the company say 'safety first' the real situation might be that the individual decision maker is encourage to act shortly.


According to the implication in social responsability issues, companies are likely to follow one (or a mix of two of them) of the following plans:

Safety is one of the fundamental pillars of the company social responsibility, and is need to pay special attention to it.

The reseacher Dov Zohar used two terms to reffer to the company statements about safety:


Zohar also created a list where factors between two "model enterprise" are linked; one with highest accident rates and another one with low rates:

  • General attitudes
  • Relation between safety work and promotion at work
  • Individual, Safety boss and Safety committe social status
  • Effectiveness in safety practices
  • Risk in workplace
  • Mandatory VS Guide
  • Automation enterprise level


This list should be contextualized in a Israeli company, which means that is likely to don't fit with another countries

As we can see, safety is not only in the employees hands, companies policies are also a very important part.

To foment a good atmosphere and to make sure that people is able to have a fluent communication is also company responsibility.


Here there is some of the available models for crewing making in the maritime field:

  1. Only one nacionality on board, same of shipowner's
  2. Only one nacionality on board, different of shipowner's.
  3. Officers same nacionalty that shipowner's, ratings from a third wordl country.
  4. Senior officer same of shipowner, junior officer 3rd, ratings 3rd different
  5. Master same nacionality than shipowner, all the rest; wide range of countries
  6. Senior oficer same shipowner, the rest 3rd  
  7. All foreing crew and a cargo/comercial manager from the same country than the shipowner.
    Comercial part is separated of the day a day life. It's normal in companies from OECD, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries, flaging a FOCs flag
  8. Same that point numer 7 but with a manager from the same country with the aim of create links with the crew. That one should be embraced as a long term model.

Points "7" and "8"  are the future in the human resource maritime field.


To supply the propper tools for an accurate understood is another company task, nowadays English is the international language, specially in the maritime field, to learn it is a task of self work as well as institucional, which should be encourage:

  • At the school.
  • Mini language lab on board (enough with a 850$ budget)
  • Provide language tape package
  • Officers teaching to rating.
  • Officers learning rating's language.

The two last options should be accompanied by a salary raise.