Lewis dimensions

Richard D.Lewis states that reactions of people could be forecasted according with where they grew up, due to the trends, sequences and traditions of each place. Those factors are deeply rooted to the culture and changes are hardly often observable over the time.

He plotted the world's cultures on a chart; three categories:

  • Reactive
  • Multi-active
  • Linear

Based not on nationality or religion but on behaviour, where each country can be placed in one of them or between two.

In the following images there's a short explanation of each categorie as well as some country examples (slice to the right):

As the previous theories Lewis theory doesn't make a fixed statement, which means that every person, as individual can be placed in a cultural type; more specifically a mix of behavioral elements of the three categories but with more tendency to one of them.


One example could be to sort people according their job; engineers and accountants tend to be Linear, sales people Multi-active, lawyers and doctors Reactive.




They tried to implement the same marketing strategies as well as work model that in the USA; workers greeting every customer, offering to bag groceries...German people interpreted it as rude and intrusive, exactly the opposite that Wal-Mart expect.


This is an example as how a model which perfectly works in a country could be a mess in other, even when apparently they aren't so different.